Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Commander's House on Officers Row - named after General George C. MarshallOne of the many 'floating communities' on Hayden Island

Another view

A gondola that crosses I5 in Portland

An odd building in downtown Portland

The I5 bridge over the Columbia River, between Portland, Oregon & Vancouver, Washington

About the Commander's house in Officer's Row

The beautiful staircase in the Marshall house

The master bedroom

Another house in Officers Row

The Grant House - named after Ulysses Grant - now a restaurant

Fort Vancouver

The gardens in front of the fort

Ann in an arbor

Regular poppy - we usually only see the small California poppies

Ann by another arbor

Down the side of the fort

Another pretty flower in the garden


Shawna said...

I enjoyed the pictures!

Unknown said...

Great photo's.... I believe Chuck Danger lives near Hayden Island on one of those floating communities...
