Thursday, May 21, 2009

2 seals with a pup
The front of Steve & Mary Beth's

Looking south from the path down by the ocean

Seals down below Steve & Mary Beth's

More Seals

More seals

Inside view of Steve's stained glassDeer in Steve & Mary Beth's front area

Deer in front of another house in Sea RanchHigh above Sea RanchOcean from above Sea Ranch

Wild turkey
Springboard cuts from the old days of logging back in the 1890's. Also this looks like the original Chia Pet

John & Ann inside a big redwood

Steve - up closeRedwood sorrel

Steve - checking out the sag pond
Redwood sorrel
Gualala River

Sea Ranch Chapel

Sea Ranch chapelThe doors to the chapel

Inside the chapel

Water fountain outside the chapel

Another view of the chapel

The front of Steve & Mary Beth's home - notice the stained glass above the door, and Buckeye on the porch.

This is a 3.7 million dollar house in Sea Ranch

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can we come and live with Steve and Mary Beth????? What a great place..... I love the wildlife and especially the seals. Neat Video.
That Chapel was sooo unique.
Loved the shot with you two in the tree. What a neat trip you're having!