Tuesday, May 5, 2009

On the road again

We have left Casa Grande, and are now in Pahrump, NV.
Murphy & Gail, Bobbie & Armando, & Ted &
Dorothy are all here, too.
We were later than usual leaving Casa Grande. We have been hired as managers at the park for next season - Sept. - May. So, there was lots of training to be done.
Then, John flew back to Toledo to attend the funeral of his cousin Ronnie.
A sudden death that has us all heart-broken.
The baby pictures are of our two great-nieces. Libby - born in November, & Hannah born in April. Aren't they just the cutest???
John also took pictures out the plane window, & the last was of an overpass fence outside Las Vegas.
We will be here for a week & then heading onward.


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Kathy Duffy said...

Finally found your blog.
Sheila and I are jealous- We would like to be traveling like you 2.
She is now living at my house.
Keep on rolling down the road.

Unknown said...

Cute babies.... :-)

Vickers Adventures said...

So sorry to hear about your cousin. The babies are so cute. It was nice you got to see them.